Each office in the Northern District of Ohio conducts an Orientation Program for new persons on supervision, on a set date during the month. Each Orientation Program lasts approximately one to two (2) hours and is mandatory for all new persons under supervision. We strongly encourage attendance by family members or support systems you may have identified.
The first of half of the Orientation Program has been designed to provide new persons on supervision with an overview of what they can expect while on supervision with the Northern District of Ohio and explains to them some of the policies and requirements of the district. In addition, persons under supervision are encouraged to ask any questions they may have regarding their supervision.
The second half of the program is designed to familiarize new persons under supervision with resources available within the community, which they may find useful in their reentry into the community. This part of the program is presented by representatives of the various agencies within the community.
Prior to the Orientation Program, usually at intake, each new person on supervision is given an Orientation Packet, which contains information and forms which will be relevant to their supervision. Persons on supervision can also access the information in the Orientation Packet by following this link.